Saeed Dubaishi
Saeed has been active at Starlight Studio since 2007. He was born in Buffalo, raised for a time in Yemen, and then returned to Buffalo. His work is a result of his culture, faith and passion for drawing. Fascinated with the imagery and history of the Middle East, Saeed pores through several books at any given time and uses them as references for his work. In addition to these books, he keeps a journal in which he writes in tiny perfect script, sketches, alters with tape, staples, and appliqued drawings.
Saeed sees himself as a little kid on the inside who enjoys learning about ancient history, especially Egyptian, ancient royalty, and Greek mythology. His other favorite subject is 80’s pop culture, particularly music videos and movies. Saeed prefers to use fine graphic line especially sharpie-type markers and “lots of pretty colors, something that is bright and makes sense, electric colors that stand for history.” The images frequently contain precise drawings of ancient architecture or religious symbols. Saeed believes knowledge is power and states that, “I think I am almost an angel with a good heart. I believe that I am a saint.”