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Chace Lobley

Chace is currently a practicing artist in Starlight Art WOW program at the Buffalo AKG Art Museum

Chace began making dinosaurs around the age of 14 when he got “play clay” as a Christmas gift. When asked what he enjoys about dinosaurs he said he found an intensity about the creatures that inspired him to think about “their behavior and design – how they were made”. He enjoys sharing his creative output with his family and friends. Chace gravitates towards sculpture and 3-dimensional construction and has a natural ability and understanding of almost every material introduced to him. He has created excellent sculptures and drawings with many materials such as tissue paper, linoleum block prints, and charcoal. His interests extend beyond dinosaurs to mythical beasts, monsters, and cartoons as well.

After working with Squeaky Wheel Media Center to create a stop-motion animation featuring the Loch Ness Monster, Chace now uses software on a tablet to expertly produce involved stop-motion dramas featuring his dinosaur figures.

Someday Chace would like to teach children all he knows about dinosaurs. The annual Dino Days at the Buffalo Museum of Science gives him an opportunity to share some of what he knows with kids and their families.

Check out this episode of the short documentary series, "Of One Mind", created with the help of Squeaky Wheel Media Center featuring a conversation between Chace and Ken Payne.

Chace Lobley

Starlight Studio & Art Gallery

340 Delaware Ave
Buffalo NY 14202


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Starlight Studio is a program of
Beyond Support Network

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