Co-Artifact 2020
Virtual Co-Artifact 2020
Online Art Auction & Fundraiser
August 6-9, 2020
18 artists from Starlight Studio and the Buffalo community have collaborated to create 11 masterpieces that will be auctioned as well as other Starlight memorabilia.
Starlight Studio & Art Gallery is pleased to present their 5th annual Co-Artifact silent auction, which will take place virtually August 6-9 on the auction platform 32Auctions. Auction proceeds will benefit Starlight Studio & Art Gallery, a non-profit art studio located in downtown Buffalo that supports adult artists with disabilities in their professional development.
Co-Artifact is an exhibition and silent auction that traditionally features artworks created collaboratively between a member of Starlight Studio and an artist from the community. While typically the process of selecting art and working together has taken place in person, this year the pieces were started by Starlight artists before the pandemic hit and have been completed by community artists over the last month. You can digitally view the finished pieces at https://www.32auctions.com/CoArtifact2020, and starting on August 6th at 5pm a silent auction will open to bid on them! The bidding will end at 6pm on August 9th. Additionally, bidding will open for several other works by Starlight artists, whose studio has been closed since March, and commemorative pieces of Starlight’s original façade, designed and painted by Ani Hoover.
“Co-Artifact keeps evolving! Sometimes Starlight Studio prompts the change and sometimes forces much larger and out of our control cause Co-Artifact to evolve. The clear message we heard from our public and the Starlight artists was that even in the midst of COVID-19, we still needed to make Co-Artifact happen,” said Starlight Program Director Carrie Marcotte. “I will miss seeing the wonder and delight on people’s faces as they walk through the Exhibition and witness truly surprising collaborations between a Starlight artist and a community artist. I am pleased that we can still pull together this event for all to enjoy and support—the generosity of the Starlight artists and community artists is overwhelming.”
Coinciding with the auction this August, Starlight Studio and Art Gallery will celebrate their 15th anniversary. Created by the Learning Disabilities Association of Western New York (LDA of WNY) in 2005, Starlight is the first studio of its kind in WNY. Through technical assistance by professional artists and opportunities for representation, the Starlight artists hone their artistic interests; become stronger advocates, and better-integrated citizens.
On participating in Co-Artifact, Starlight artist John Budney said, "I like co-artifact because you get to appreciate other artist's work and style and they get to appreciate your work and style. I like collaborating with artists to make something new and appreciate meeting and seeing new people and work.”
“This virtual world is different of course but it’s still an honor to have my work chosen and I’m so happy to be picked. When I made this piece I was thinking about still life and realism, and how to know when I am done, so I just stopped at some point.” said Starlight artist Andy Calderon, whose piece will be completed by community artist Edreys Wajed. “I look forward to seeing what Edreys does. I am glad there is still work to be done on it and I can’t wait to see what it looks like.”
2020 Co-Artifact collaborations include Andy Calderon & Edreys Wajed, Eric Johnson & Bobby Griffiths, John Budney & Chuck Tingley, John Budney & Ani Hoover, John Budney & Meg McCuen, Chace Lobley & Billy Huggins, Kimber Rodgers & Kyla Kegler, Kimber Rodgers & Billy Huggins, Matthew Sharp & Taylor Heald, Mary Schneider & Alicia Malik, Mary Schneider & Barbara Hart, and Jocelyn Triggle & Monica Angle.
Project Gallery