Co-Artifact 2018
Co-Artifact 2018
Silent Art Auction Fundraiser
APRIL 19, 2018
Eleven Twenty Projects
1120 Main Street
Eleven Twenty Projects and Starlight Studio and Art Gallery (Starlight) are pleased to announce the 3rd Co-Artifact fundraiser featuring artwork created collaboratively between Starlight artists and community artists. The event will take place Thursday, April 19th, 2018 from 6 – 9pm at Eleven Twenty Projects, and will feature 28 original works made by these collaborative pairings as well as music provided by DJ Icky Reels, light refreshments, and a cash bar. The proceeds of a silent auction will support the renovation of Starlight’s façade – fixing, designing, and installing a fresh look for this creative space.
Co-Artifact brings 15 artists from the community and 15 Starlight artists together to create collaborative artworks. For this project, each artist is asked to create a piece of artwork in the medium and size of his or her choice. A Starlight artist and a community artist are then paired up, switch artworks, and complete the other’s work. The 30 resulting artworks will be available for the community to bid on until 8 PM the night of the event.
For this installment of Co-Artifact, Kyle Butler of Starlight Studio and John Fatta of Eleven Twenty Projects have brought in more artists from Buffalo’s community than ever before, both new and returning participants. Cynnie Gaasch reflects on her past experience saying, "I loved working with Paul (Chandler) for Co-Artifact in 2014. He influenced me to approach my use of materials differently. The whole project, looking at the many collaborations was inspiring."
In addition to Gaash, this year’s participating community artists include:
Jozef Bajus
Kyle Butler
Caitlin Cass
Valeria Cray-Dihaan
Pam Glick
Pat Greene
Bobby Griffiths
Ani Hoover
Billy Huggins
Kevin Kline
Joan Linder
Bethany Moody
Cassandra Ott
Rebecca Wing.
Participating Starlight artists are:
Paul Chandler
Saeed Dubaishi
Kelly Evans
Ricky Hogan
Eric Johnson
Sonya Lewis
Chace Lobley
John Montedoro
Larell Potter
John Price
Steve Robinson
Kimber Rodgers
Mary Schneider
Mathew Sharp
Jocelyn Triggle.
The idea for Co-Artifact stemmed from the story of illustrator Mica Angela Hendricks, whose daughter found her sketchbook and drew on top of her unfinished drawings. When the illustrator discovered what had been done, she decided to use her daughter’s lines to create finished art pieces. The goal of the event is to have Starlight artists and artists from the community finish one another’s work, and where possible, build collegial relationships where the artist pairs would discuss techniques and influence each other to go outside their creative comfort zones.
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