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A selection of art chosen by Kyle Butler. Kyle is an artist from Michigan currently living in Buffalo, NY.  In addition to his own work, he has organized exhibitions for Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center, Starlight Studio and Art Gallery, and various artist-organized exhibitions.  Butler is an Assistant Professor at Villa Maria College and also a Teaching Artist at Starlight.
"In terms of themes, imagery, and handling of materials, my selections are all over the place.  Rather than being very narrow about the sort of visual average of the work, I instead welcomed the disparity and focused more on sequencing the work in a logical (albeit, intuitive) way.  Initially the pieces are sparse, tied together by thin, flat colors and a lack of contour line (Janet Harrison, Andrew Calderone, Michelle Miller).  From here they head into denser territory, adding texture and variation (Mathew Sharp, Dana Graap, John Price).  It then refocuses and distills with light renderings with only a few elements (Larell Potter, Ebony Valentine, Chase Lobley, Shamika Long) and ends again at maximalism (Jocelyn Triggle, Mathew Sharp, Shamika Long), closing out the sequence with Mathew Sharp’s time-space distorting West Wind and Shamika Long’s gilded Air Jordan’s."

Starlight Studio & Art Gallery

340 Delaware Ave
Buffalo NY 14202


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Starlight Studio & Art Gallery Since 2005

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