Heather Swenson, Ricky Hogan & David Feickert

structure, scape, utensil:
Work by Heather Swenson, Ricky Hogan, & David Feickert
Friday, January 12th, 2018
Our first exhibit of the 2018 season. Part of the "Side By Each" exhibition series, curated by Kyle Butler with the help of Starlight Staff, featuring the work of Starlight artists along with that of artists from the region and beyond.
Heather Swenson Bio and Artist Statement:
Heather Swenson is a multidisciplinary artist working and living in Rochester, New York. Currently she is focusing on silkscreen and collage and exploring new uses of these mediums through building three dimensional structures. Heather has shown work in multiple exhibitions around New York and has had several solo and group shows in Rochester. She teaches a yearly silkscreen workshops through the Print Club of Rochester and is the Vice President of the organization. Heather received her BFA in Interdisciplinary Visual Arts with a concentration in painting and printmaking from Purchase College of Art and Design in 2012.
Within a multidisciplinary practice of making screenprints, sculptures, and installations I create work that is both derived from experience and invention. Regarding everyday visual experiences as research, I am extremely captivated by the simple act of looking. I combine these observations with imagined structures and shapes, referencing real spaces I encounter. An ever-growing collection of objects and material, from scraps of paper to sculptures I construct, influences my work. Sorting and arranging these objects in my studio invites the desired elements of chance and surprise into my work. Through observing, sorting, and making, I hope to navigate the influx of imagery and experiences in my life and create a space for observation and imagination to collaborate.
Ricky Hogan Bio:
“As a kid I would look through a telescope at the stars and make up stories about life in other galaxies,” says Ricky Hogan when discussing his inspiration for creating art. He was raised in South Buffalo, NY and remembers from childhood, always feeling a need to be creative. Drawing spaceships and aliens, creating leather billfolds and wallets, or dressing as a clown while working at a carnival, Ricky has let his imagination guide his creative impulse. His latest projects involve a form of rolled paper art called quilling (check out this video he made about quilling with help from Squeaky Wheel Media Center!), in which he creates intricate designs, interesting images, and even jewelry! He also uses found objects such as pop can tabs to make earrings. As a published poet, Ricky uses his poems to express his feelings about his environment and the humans and others who populate it. Ricky lives in Buffalo, NY.
David Feickert Bio:
David Feickert started at Starlight Studio in 2014. He enjoys exploring various materials, particularly a combination of drawing and painting on different surfaces.
His work brings to mind scientific and medical imagery like the electroencephalogram and the electrocardiogram. This linear visual information corresponds with an awareness of his Asperger’s Syndrome and is a part of his artistic process and goal to bring attention to this condition.